Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Donald Trump’s Unfinished Work

By Mark Vogl

Time is passing quickly, and the opportunity for God’s intervention on behalf of the re-election of Donald Trump in 2020 is narrowing.  The grand conspiracy against the President has added a new previously unknown segment of government, the federal Judiciary joined the Ruling Elite, the Mainstream media (enemy of the people), the Deep State, the American Left and RINO segment of the Republican Party (that includes Senate Majority Leader) and foreign interests has seemingly shut off all possibilities to remedy the stealing of the 2020 Presidential Election.  It appears on December 23rd that there is little that can be done now except wait on the Hand of God.          

The brilliance and accomplishment of President Trump, his family, and the small squadron of people who made up his team is something that should be studied by future leaders and all Americans.  President Trump did what most other politicians do not have the courage to do is, he kept his word across a wide variety of issues.  Of his many huge achievements, possibly the most important is the crystallization of American vision in the 21st Century that is a continuation of the original American Dream.  He has re-ignited our national spirit and reveal just how large a group of American patriots there are – 75 million and counting.          

One other aspect of life, Donald Trump that should be recognized is his bold assertion of optimism in dealing with life today.  The great difference between President Trump and his opponent Joe Biden is easily stated:  Can do v. Can’t do, optimism v. victimization.          

President Trump has established a vision for the children of America.  He has reclaimed American citizenship as the very greatest gift given to newborns by God.  For all the President has done, I thank him on behalf of the tens of millions of unnamed, forgotten Americans for all he has done, and for turning the lights on for us.          

The unfinished work of Donald Trump is the creation of an America First Party to replace the Republican Party.  The America First Party is what is needed to preserve the American nation in the 21st Century and to remind Americans of the many values and traditions that has made this nation the role model for the rest of the world.  This creation of the America First Party is not just laying out, in simple, easy to understand terms an ideology, but it is about bringing together and coalescing a group of believers who will carry the flag through eighty years of the 21st Century.          

Let’s look at where these people should come from.  These are the people of this nation, the majority of this nation.  These are NOT graduates from the Ivy League.  These are not people from the upper 1% of America.  These are the typical American, of all colors, of all heritage and education.  Critical to being a part of this group is to bring together believers in God, to be Christians and Jews who understand the connection between the Bible and the Constitution.  A part of this party, a new civic organization first thought of by Alexander Hamilton, but never organized and formed, is the Christian – Constitutional Society.  This organization is vitally important in reminding and embedding in the American population a recognition of how God used Christianity to Create the United States of America.          

The single most important characteristic of the people to build the America First Party is a characteristic recognized by Richard Nixon, loyalty.  In this case loyalty to President Trump and just as important to the ideology of America First.             

Where are these Americans?  They work as aides to state legislators, or in counties.  They are in Christian and conservative lobby groups. They are unrecognized for their skills, talent, and vision.  They do not come from wealthy families.  They are doers.  They are junior officers in the military, who believe in America so much they offer their lives to defend it.  Additionally look to non-traditional sources for Washington’s presidential appointees such as small, heartland non-profits, religious organizations, small television and radio stations.   

How do we get these individuals?  We advertise jobs for them.  What jobs?  Jobs as community activists to organize the Christian – Constitutional Society, jobs as fund raisers, jobs as writers for local papers and magazines.  And jobs as organizers for the America First Party.  And elected officials of like mind, need to be brought into the picture. Men like Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Louie Gohmert, Tommy Tuberville, and others must be approached, briefed on the vision and brought into participation within the new party.  Activists must understand that elected officials will be slow to move, but they may not be slow to assist, advise, help.          

The creation of this group of people is critical to America’s future.  The new century requires a new American political party that is primarily concerned with preservation and success of America as a stand-alone nation – state.  This is the second tenet of the America First Party. . And a proud embrace of American Privilege and traditional American history that includes regional identities.          

The first tenet of the America First Party is a recognition of the Christian foundation of this nation, and the Constitution.  It includes the assertion that our inalienable (not unalienable) rights come from God and cannot be removed by man. This tenet establishes Christianity as the fountain of morality and ethics for America.          

A third tenet is a proclamation of strict Constitutional interpretation that includes federalism and states’ rights.          

There is much that could be written here, but to take the time to seriously contemplate the proposition of this essay, it is appropriate to close here.  Donald Trump has much to do, regardless of whether he is properly inaugurated on the 20th of January.  The betrayal of so many senior Republicans over the past decade, most recently during the battle against voter fraud and stealing the election demonstrate that the GOP’s day is done.  Hopefully, the above outlines a replacement strategy.


By Carl F. Worden

According to attorney Lin Wood, the Democrats slid a provision into the current bills passed by Congress that nullifies the president's authority to invoke the Insurrection Act.  Gee, why would they do that?  Does it have something to do with that report on foreign election interference the intelligence agencies are withholding from Trump?  That report was due on December 18th, but Trump was told it was not ready because new information had to be analyzed before the report could be completed.  Under normal circumstances, the incomplete report would have been released to Trump per his executive order by the deadline.  But by not issuing the report, they think Trump cannot invoke the Insurrection Act to stop the steal.

They may be right, but I don't know that for a fact.  The evidence is overwhelming that foreign actors interfered in the election, but did Trump inadvertently force himself into a corner with his EO that required that intelligence assessment report before he could invoke the Insurrection Act?  If Trump signs the bill into law before the report is issued, he won't be able to act on that report when it is finally issued.  Even if Trump vetoes the bill, Mitch McConnell already has the Senate votes to override his veto, so where does that leave Trump, and more importantly, where does that leave us?

It is my understanding that Trump's EO, issued in 2018 and renewed in 2020 regarding foreign interference in our elections, declared a National Emergency at the time and it remains in effect.  If true, then it seems to me that Trump could invoke the Insurrection Act on the authority of that original declaration.  But if Trump does have that authority, he'll have to use it before Congress can override his veto!  Once Trump loses his authority to invoke the Insurrection Act, it will be up to the citizens to invoke it.

I wrote earlier about Trump's plan for winning the election.  He is relying on the state legislatures to ultimately decide the election.  He is relying on the seven vote advantage the GOP has in those state legislatures, but what if they don't vote Trump's way and he has already lost his authority to invoke the Insurrection Act?  I told you before that the Domestic Enemies trying to overthrow our nation had a plan to thwart every possible counter move Trump would make, and denying Trump's authority to invoke the Insurrection Act pretty much seals the deal for Biden to be sworn in.

No, I'm not being negative, but only a fool would refuse to see the playing field as it is, and not what I want it to be.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Are “We the People..”, the generations that will lose “the city on the hill” and surrender the “American Dream”?

By Mark Vogl


There is a dark cloud hanging over America, it is the cloud of Satan built on the false foundations of secular humanism, materialism, global climate change, and one world governance.  This cloud arrived with “the Resistance” of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to the election of Donald Trump and the America First Agenda.


This is how Hitler rose in Germany, through the apathy of his own people and the use of fear to rob Germany of its soul.


Precious Time is passing to correct the stealing of the American 2020 election.  Only a few days remain to save this nation, and the world from a terrible future.  The evidence of criminal treason against the United States is piled in front of you, do you not see it?  Thousands of sworn statements, affidavits, and videos and documents have been rapidly collected that tell the story of a grand conspiracy to rob America of its heritage and it’s President.  The Judiciary has collapsed, surrendered, refusing to hear the proof that evil rules in America.    

Is the rumor true; did the Chief Justice Roberts of the Supreme Court scream at the top of his lungs to the other Justices “Do you want riots in the streets” when they considered the Texas case concerning the stealing of the 2020 election?  Did Chief Justice Roberts allow the violence of a few thousand Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA rioters in half dozen cities scare the Court in to denying the American people their day in Court?  Is this how cheap we shall lose our freedom?  Was that the death knell of America and the moment America got on the interstate to a one world government?

Americans must call their Congressman and Senators and demand an accounting of the election.  In Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona the legislature’s must reclaim their Constitution duty and remove the present Electors and replace them with people who will save this nation from surrender.

It’s time for America’s Silent Majority, Tea Party and Deplorables to go to the streets across this nation.  It is time to stand up as Americans and claim your inheritance, do your duty as a citizen and renounce Satan and claim the Lord Jesus.  Yes, this is a religious thing as much as a political one.  It’s time for a Christian Revival that reclaims the history of America, and the gift God gave mankind through the Founders in Philadelphia.  Don’t hesitate, don’t wait.  If Chief Justice Roberts and the other eight Justices need proof the American are angry…then give it to them.  We need not riot, we need not loot or burn cities, but we cannot stand down, we cannot be intimidated either by the evil forces that Democrat mayors and governors have protected.

Rise America, walk with God.

Sunday, December 06, 2020

2020 America, a House Divided

By Mark Vogl

The groups 

America is absolutely divided in terms of ideology and a vision for the future in the 21st Century.  

One America, the “Trump America” embraces the Constitution, the Bible, traditional family, work, saving, and being an American.  This America is happy with the America the Founders created, and is not sold on a "1984" Society.  This group is proud of “American privilege,” and believe in law and order, and the existing system of governance.  The group is comprised of the Silent Majority, the Tea Party, and Reagan Democrats.  It is attracted to Donald Trump, not the Republican Party. 

This America continues the Christian tradition of this nation, and sees Israel as special among the nations (God’s chosen people), and a protectorate. 

This America sees energy independence and a revived industrial base as both good economic policy and essential defense policy.  And we see space as a critical strategic arena for national competition, where the United States must retain its leadership position. 

This America sees a world of 200 independent nations pursuing their own interests.  With the end of the Cold War, America should have surrendered its world policemen, and world protector role.  The Americans of this group provide the majority of soldiers, and they are tired of endless, pointless, unwinnable wars.  This America sees the world as unchanged since its inception, bad guys and good guys exist, evil does aggressively attack and consume good.  China is not our buddy, it is the next global and national threat. 

This America sees government as a nuisance, necessary but aggravating. 

The other America, globalist America is a combination of the Ruling elite, academia, and a fabricated mass that is lost in the fantasies of global climate change, one world government, socialism, and diversity.  RINO’s and Neo Conservatives are awkwardly allied with this group based on their hatred of Trump and America First policies.  This group sees “white privilege” as the remnants of the Founders, infesting the Constitution, the Declaration and the western civilization.  This group sees change as hope, and violence as a tool of change.  These folks see obliterating American history as necessary to beginning a new start. 

This America sees a one world government as the next phase of human organization, and believe America should use its wealth and prestige to move the world towards a global utopia.  Redistribution of American wealth to the rest of the world, an Obama dictum, is a central element of this groups’ policy.  This group sees China as the world’s largest market, and while the plebiscite condemn capitalism, Silicon Valley and many if not most of America’s 700 billionaires are motivated by the material gain of servicing 1.3 billion consumers. 

This group sees Islam as the rising faith, and Iran as the rightful hegemon of the Middle East replacing America’s longtime allies of Israel and Saudi Arabia.  An interesting paradigm of this group is their practiced amorality allied to fundamentalist Islam, possibly the world’s most conservative religion. 

This group sees nations (including America) being dependent on each other as the best way to prevent future wars, while simultaneously seeing it as the most effective way to organize he world’s economy.  Space is a venture for private enterprise and for coalitions of nations, with the United States sharing its technological assets with the rest of the planet. 

This group sees government as the replacement for God. Government controlled by an oligarchy is essential to improving the condition of man, and as a central control point for economic decisions.  

Different groups is not new to America, but now, as in the ante bellum era, the groups have run out of compromise and developed positions that cannot co-exist.  The issues they are divided on leave no room for that: abortion, the Second Amendment, national sovereignty, nationalizing health care, individual freedom and responsibility v. the nanny state.  

There is little emotional and mental space left for a society simmering.  The electronic media floods the daily airwaves with hostile messages.  For the past four years the first group has had to endure a siege like mentality bombarding President Trump. 

Resolution of the 2020 election 

The 2020 election pitted one group against another head on.  And when one considers the facts, it seems incontrovertible that President Trump would be re-elected. 

The factors that should have predicted the outcome are: 

1.      Trump kept his basic promises, and resulted in his vote total rising by eleven million from 2016.  The economy has been the best in modern history before the introduction of COVID.  Trump had reduced overseas military commitments while not beginning one new military adventure.  Trumps’ tariffs on China were working.  Trump had been the first President to visit North Korea for the purpose of de-nuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.

2.      Trump won 19 of 20 bell weather counties (counties that accurately predict the winner of Presidential races.)

3.      Biden won barely more than 14% of the counties across the nation.

4.      The Republicans gained seats in Congress and gained majorities in the legislature of three new states, while retaining all of their state house majorities.

5.      Trump’s vote in both the black and Latino community rose substantially.

6.      Trump’s campaign of massive rallies was successful and painted a clear picture of his popularity, especially when compared to Biden’s “in-the-basement” campaign.

7.      On election night, by ten o’clock Central, it appeared the President would be re-elected with room to spare. 

And then the unthinkable happened.  First, FOX called Arizona for Biden when it had few returns, and Trump was leading.  Then vote counting stopped in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona and Nevada.  And the nightmare that was to become the 2020 election began. 

It did not take long for investigations into election irregularities to turn into full fledged investigations of voter fraud.  Fortunately for President Trump and the United States two very respected attorneys, Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell began to gather evidence, and people with first hand knowledge of voter fraud on a massive scale came forward by the hundreds.  Video cameras, and other technical evidence began to surface.  By December 6th 70% of Trump’s 74 million voters believe the election was stolen. 

The main stream media, the enemy of the people, that has been hostile to Donald Trump from the first moment of his candidacy in 2015, blacked out all information concerning revealed evidence of election corruption.  They immediately called for Trump to concede, and kept up the pressure. 

And so, as we start the last week before December 14th, the date when the Electoral College is scheduled to meet, the Presidential election is still unresolved.  One thing seems certain, which ever way it goes, the nation is divided without possibility of rapid reconciliation.