Wednesday, June 27, 2007

FDA Announces Plan to Eliminate Vitamin Companies

by Byron Richards, CCN

Tuesday, June 26, 2007



Democracy is an idol in America, and most Americans worship devoutly at its altar. Majorities marshaled every two or four years have become our gods. They dictate to us how we shall live and die. Most say they wouldn’t have it any other way. That would be un-American. To be patriotic citizens, we must live with the results of the ballot, be it in a general election, a Supreme Court ruling, or a Congressional vote. The verdict is sacrosanct because it was reached through the democratic process of majority vote. We can grouse and complain about it but we see ourselves bound by it. Otherwise, how could we claim to be “good Americans?”

But our classroom civics books did not tell us that majority rule only works where there is already a consensus of sorts on the fundamental issues within a particular society. For instance, in a Christian nation that enjoys a high degree of homogeneity in its racial and ethnic make-up, language, institutions, and inherited culture, most matters up for a vote are largely superficial policy issues. They don’t tamper with the agreed-upon foundations of the society. However, in a multicultural and multiracial polyglot Empire such as ours is today, the concept of majority rule is often fraught with dire (and even deadly) consequences for the losers, especially if the winners bear a grudge.

As I write, the U. S. Senate has just voted 64-35 (with 60 votes needed) to move ahead with Senate Bill 1639, the infamous Amnesty Bill. If the bill becomes law, which many of its supports now think is inevitable, it will grant legal status to between 12-20 million illegal aliens already in the country. This will literally open the floodgates to tens of millions more Third World immigrants over the next few decades. It will mean the end of society as we know it.

Who stands to lose by this devil’s bargain? The descendants of America’s founding stock will be the losers. Our ancestors bequeathed us a republican society based on Christian moral principles, the English language, racial (and some degree of ethnic) homogeneity, and British legal and political institutions. All this will be gone with the wind when we throw open the golden door to unlimited immigration.

Only the South, as reflected in the votes of most of its Senators, opposed this radical transformation. Some 80% of Southerners oppose amnesty. It is not surprising, then, that of the 35 “no” votes, 17 came from the South. That’s almost half of the total opposition to S. 1639. Only 11 Southern Senators (including Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Trent “NAACP” Lott of Mississippi) voted for the Amnesty Bill.

Perhaps Americans in other regions outside the South are quite happy with the idea of giving the country away to Third World illegals. But if the rest of the country is determined to go straight to hell, is the South obliged to go along for the ride just so “democracy” can be upheld?

I say it’s time we put aside our reverence for the sort of majority rule that allows men such as Teddy Kennedy to determine the South’s fate. If this were merely a superficial policy matter it might be different. As it is, amnesty (and its sure aftermath) is literally a matter of life and death for our society. We are told that we must abide by a decision that could destroy our very way of life. Only a fool would consent to do so.

Again, democracy will not work in a multicultural, polyglot Empire. I shudder to think what will happen to our progeny when they become the numerical political minority. Will their rights be protected by the new regnant majority who are not products of Western Christian civilization? Or will a majority of wolves vote to devour a minority of sheep? I think you know the answer.

If, in the cause of furthering America’s democratic institutions, you place your future in the hands of those who have already betrayed you, then you and your children will ultimately be dispossessed of life, liberty, and property in the name of democracy (and other dubious ideologies). You will have meekly acquiesced to the whim of a temporary majority because you did not have the nerve to walk away from the holy ground upon which you were commanded to kneel and worship the idol.

So what is the answer for us stubborn and contrary Southerners? For our self-preservation dare we cast aside voting and the idea of the “consent of the governed” for a monarchy or dictatorship? No. We must simply re-define the political and social entity to which we belong. To wit, we need an independent Southern Republic in which our interests and moral principles hold sway. No more being ruled by the Ted Kennedys of the world. In my eyes, such a course is not only desirable, it is necessary for our survival.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

$4 Billion and a Free Lunch

President’s Last Ditch Efforts To Force Amnesty on Americans Is Met With Outrage By Those Who Remind Him: “No Means No!”

Lancaster, PA/June 18, 2007: The Constitution Party joins Americans across party lines in expressing indignation at President Bush’s heavy-handed attempts to force passage of a dangerous and unwanted immigration bill (S1348) even after the bill was rejected and encourages vigilance as this bill is “revived.”

The so-called Kyl-Kennedy bill contains provisions for granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and was soundly rejected by Republican senators (only 7 of 45 voted for the bill). After the demise of the bill President Bush made a rare trip to Capitol Hill for a lunch meeting with Republican senators aimed at getting them to change their minds and support the onerous bill.

After that Bush offered money as an incentive saying: “I support an amendment that will provide $4.4 billion in immediate additional funding for securing our borders and enforcing our laws at the work site.”

“This bill cannot be fixed with free lunches, billions of dollars and endless rhetoric about ‘securing’ borders. It’s a bad bill and it needs to die,” said Constitution Party National Committee Chairman Jim Clymer. “The president has once again betrayed his conservative base with his ‘in your face’ determination to make this bill law. Bush’s comment ‘See you at the bill signing’ illustrates just how contemptuous he is of the will of the people,” Clymer further noted.

The Constitution Party, the country’s third largest political party based on voter registrations (Ballot Access News) applauds the millions of ‘no amnesty’ calls made to the capitol switchboard to register alarm over provisions in this bill. “The disdain for this bill is clear. After the lunch-time arm-twisting Bush had the arrogance to offer $4 billion when for the last six years his administration has not only refused to enforce immigration law but has punished Border Patrol Agents for doing their jobs,” Clymer pointed out.

Agents Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos, imprisoned since January, were prosecuted for actions in the course of performing their duties in seeking to arrest an illegal Mexican drug smuggler. The two Americans have distinguished military and Border Patrol service records and face a combined sentence of 23 years in prison.

The Constitution Party is the only political party to pass a resolution condemning the treatment of the Border Patrol Agents.

“You can almost hear a death rattle coming from the Republican Party, already hemorrhaging voters after years of pushing an agenda virtually indistinguishable from that of the Democrats. The president’s pandering to a globalist agenda on immigration while ignoring the wishes of American citizens will be the last straw for the Grand Old Party. Voters are recognizing they must seek an alternative to this madness in a party that respects sovereignty and borders,” Clymer added.

The Constitution Party opposes any immigration bill that gives legal status to illegal aliens. The rejected bill (forced through by the Senate without due time for debate) and the reworked version are, by definition, amnesty bills. The heavy-handed actions of the president and the Senate to force this bill’s passage have no place in a constitutional republic.

The Constitution Party supports enforcement of current immigration laws (USC Title 8, Chapter 12) which call for fines and imprisonment for illegal entry into the United States.

The Constitution Party is the only party recognized by the Federal Election Commission which is completely:
Pro-Secure Borders
Pro-Second Amendment

Saturday, June 16, 2007

British law threatening U.S. freedom of speech

Experts: Lawsuit by Saudi billionaire puts American journalists under foreign courts
By Bob Unruh

Friday, June 15, 2007


By Jim R. Schwiesow

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

George II Thwarted (So Far) on Habeas Corpus

Sheldon Richman

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Grass Roots Roared and Immigration Plan Collapsed

New York Times

Friday, June 08, 2007

Not Our Fathers' America

Today, many, if not most, Americans seem eager to surrender practically any freedom upon the promise of protection and security. We no longer cherish the idea of liberty. Liberty seems to be no more valuable than a poker chip to be gambled away if the pot is sweetened with the promise that the government will take care of us.......
by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Bush push to militarize America

Jerome Corsi sees president using personnel for myriad domestic incidents

Military positioned to launch action – here
Columnist's exposé reveals planning for 'domestic emergencies'

Concentration Camps Planned For US?
by NWV News

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Slouching Toward a Police State

by Matthew Hart