Friday, November 18, 2016

You can't quote Thomas Jefferson at Thomas Jefferson's university

You can't quote Thomas Jefferson at Thomas Jefferson's university.

At least that's what the delicate snowflakes at the University of Virginia have demanded of the current president, Teresa Sullivan.

The revolution shall consume its own.

Sullivan is a Leftist. She is one of them, a Yankee carpetbagger running one of the premier higher education institutions in the South, a school Jefferson designed to combat the "dark Federalist mills of the North."

But to the mindless politically correct cupcakes of the 21st century, Sullivan represents everything that is wrong with America. Jefferson was a slaveholder so he must be silenced, and if Sullivan quotes him, as she has repeatedly done, then she must be silenced as well.

This is Robespierre lopping off the head of Danton.

Make terror the order of the day.

There are a few willing people willing to fight back.

Two former Abbeville Institute students crafted the following letter (click the link) to be sent to the president of the University of Virginia calling for the resignation of those faculty members demanding that the president not quote Jefferson in her speeches because he owned slaves.

It you would like to sign it please do. If you have a title "Dr," "Prof.," etc. please add that.


This is also a moment to remember what the Abbeville Institute adds to our current educational environment. "Our" people are standing up for the Southern tradition, for Jefferson, Lee, Jackson, Washington, Madison, Davis, Macon, Dabney, Thornton, Boone, Crockett, Calhoun, Taylor, and Randolph.

Our exploration of the Southern tradition is there to enlighten Americans about what that tradition means and why it is important in the 21st century.

We are here to melt the little snowflakes.

These former students who authored that petition benefitted from our programs and educational opportunities.

Help us in our mission. We can't do it without your support, and we need more men and women like our former students, people willing to stand in the breach and fight back against the cultural Marxists.

You can do this for less than $5 a month. Just click on the link below.



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