Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Source and Causes of America’s Educational Downfall

Back in the 1840’s Bismarck of Germany socialized his country. He regulated, regimented, and disciplined the Germans. Bismarck’s government established compulsory workmen’s compensation; compulsory workmen’s insurance (taken from wages) for old age and for unemployment; compulsory labor-union membership; compulsory socialization of farmers; old age pensions, AND COMPULSORY STATE EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN. The basis of all these is belief that Authority can control individuals for their own good, in a better social order than individuals can create for themselves.

Beginning in the early 20th century, Americans forgot who they were and how they achieved the greatest that was this country; or should I say they were “re-educated” into this belief. America started to adopt these same philosophies that Bismarck had imposed upon the Germans, i.e. socialism. But, Germans had no contact with the notion that people are free. They were always under the mistaken impression that Authority controls the individual. Not so with the American people. We were founded on the notion of freedom of the individual.

Individuals control human energy; they make all forms of human association, according to their individual beliefs. No law and no force that exists in Government has ever stood, or ever can stand, against the belief or the knowledge that is in individual minds.

For this reason, the dangerous change that the German socialism movement brought to this country is the SUBSTITUTION OF COMPULSORY STATE EDUCATION FOR THE FORMER AMERICAN FREE EDUCATION.

Before this faulty un-American thought process entered our education system, American children went to school because they WANTED TO GO, or because their parents sent them. Children knew the fact that schooling is a great opportunity which the American Revolution had opened here to all American children alike. They made every effort to go to school; they walked miles through deep snow on winter mornings to reach school. They studied eagerly, to learn. They controlled their behavior in school, for improper behavior might be punished by their being sent home from school; deprived of half-a-day’s schooling. The worst of all possible punishments was being expelled from school. That punishment, far worse than whipping, was held in reserve for rare instances of some pupil’s utter lack of self-discipline.

The only schools supported by (compulsory) taxes were grammar schools. (Elementary Schools/Middle Schools) The belief was that a community should offer every young child an opportunity to learn. After grammar school age, a boy or girl was able to get his/her own education IF they wanted one. Everyone did want one, who was capable of learning at all, for the years in grammar school only whetted an appetite for learning.

All over this country were Academies, private schools, privately owned and managed. They offered the equivalent of the present High School curriculum; they offered it at various costs, suited to every circumstance. Any student could work his/her way through the Academies and then on to the college level. Unfortunately, this method of American education was stopped by eager German reformers, who believed that the State can spend an American’s money for his children’s education much more wisely than he can. American schooling is now compulsory, enforced by the police and controlled by the State (that is, by politicians in office – who can be removed and replaced by those who see the folly of continuing this broken system), and paid for by compulsory taxes.

The inevitable result is to postpone a child’s growing up. He passes from the authority of his parents to the authority of the police. He has no control of his time and no opportunity for its use until he is sixteen/seventeen years old. His actual situation does not REQUIRE him to develop SELF-RELIANCE, SELF-DISCIPLINE and RESPONSIBILITY; that is, he has no actual experience of freedom in his youth.

This is ideal education for the German State, whose subjects were (in those days) not expected ever to know freedom. The discipline in German schools is strict; it tends to train the young into obedient submission that men in German Government demand from their subjects. Is this the model we should be using for our children? NOW?

But it does not work that way in this country, because American Educators naturally try to compensate for the counter-revolutionary compulsion in this school system. They do not subject American children to rigid German discipline. On the contrary, they try to make schools so enjoyable that the children will not REALIZE THAT THE POLICE COMPEL THEM TO BE THERE. (But the children know it.) The teachers try to make learning EASY, a game. BUT REAL LEARNING IS NOT EASY; IT REQUIRES SELF-DISCIPLINE AND HARD WORK. The attempt to make learning EFFORTLESS actually keeps a child from discovering the pleasure of self-discipline and of the mental effort that overcomes difficulties.

This is cruel treatment of the new generations of Americans who must come out of this compulsory and yet too softly pampering schooling to face the realities of a world in which human beings are free and LIVING IS NOT EASY. And it is NOT the best preparation for inheriting the leadership of the world revolution for freedom.

Compiled by Dennis L. Lacy
Source material – “The Discovery of Freedom” by Rose Wilder Lane

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Colossal Event Challenges GOP To Stop Acting Like Dems

Sold-Out MN Rally “Shadow Convention” Slaps RNC Over Move To Left

Grand Rapids, MI: The sold-out Rally for the Republic ( will be held September 2, 2008 at the Minneapolis, MN Target Center (, just miles from the Republican National Convention. This historic event will highlight the widespread dissatisfaction with the Republican Party’s ideological shift away from Constitutional, limited-government principles.

The Rally promises to be “the most spirited and provocative political event of the year”. Headlining the event will be NBC’s Tucker Carlson, 2006 Academy of Country Music Female Vocalist of the Year, Sara Evans, Texas Congressman and former GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, former California Congressman Barry Goldwater Jr. and November’s Third Party Option- Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin (

GOP delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention have been offered free tickets to te three-day event.

The Rally for the Republic, sponsored by the Ron Paul Campaign for Liberty, is billed as “a clear call to the Republican Party to return to its roots of limited government, personal responsibility, and protection of our natural rights”.

The event will run in conjunction with the first two days of the Republican National Convention and will feature top conservative speakers, musicians, and organizations.

Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin will be at the Rally along with Constitution Party Founder Howard Phillips. Phillips, former Director of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity for President Nixon, and Founder and Chairman of the Conservative Caucus will address the rally at 12:55 pm, September 2.

Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin, 56, is a Florida pastor, radio talk show host, and columnist. He was the Constitution Party's 2004 vice presidential candidate. He campaigned for Congressman Ron Paul ad has been signled out by Paul for his constitutionally-correct stand on the issues.

The Baldwin campaign is on course to welcome Ron Paul followers once it becomes official at the Republican National Convention that Paul will not be on the November ballot.

Baldwin and Constitution Party vice presidential candidate Darrell Castle, an attorney and Marine Viet Nam combat veteran, are being considered the “antidote” to “Big Box” party candidates Obama and McCain as more voters express unhappiness with both parties.

“Everywhere we go on our campaign stops we hear people say, ‘I’m afraid of Obama and don’t trust McCain”, said Baldwin, recently endorsed by three time New York Times best-selling author Jerome Corsi, Ph.D.

Corsi’s latest best-seller “Obama Nation” follows best-sellers “The Late, Great U.S.A; the Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada” and “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry”.

The Constitution Party is the fastest growing and largest third party based on voter registration (Ballot Access News).

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Red Republicans and Lincoln’s Marxists

by Walter D. Kennedy and Al Benson, Jr.

“The Union is Dissolved!” This was the Charleston Mercury headline for the evening of December 20, 1860. South Carolina had seceded from the Union. The United States were no longer united and would never be again.

South Carolina and the 10 other Southern states who followed her in seceding from the Union were not traitors. Each state now belonging to the Confederacy had left the old Union the same way it had joined – by majority vote of elected representatives. The member states of the Confederacy were not calling for the violent overthrow of the old government. They were simply separating from it, peaceably if allowed. According to our founding fathers and authors Walter D. Kennedy and Al Benson, Jr., Red Republicans and Lincoln’s Marxists, Southerners were exercising their Constitutional right to form a new government.

The U.S. Constitution was ratified by the 13 original British colonies, now sovereign states with the choice to remain completely independent or join with each other for the mutual edification of all. The Constitution created a democratic republic, a government based on the rule of law, not mob rule or elitist rule.
But by the late 1850s, the heavily populated, mostly industrial Northern states were trying to expand the powers of the federal government in order to benefit their industrial benefactors. This they did at the expense of the less populated, mostly agricultural Southern states, which tended to distrust big government. After the 1860 election of a big government radical who promised unconstitutional changes, South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee decided it was time to form a new nation, one whose federal government did not exceed the powers granted it by their Constitution –which, by the way – was nearly identical to the old one.

There was one difference, however, as Kennedy and Benson point out. Northern banks and businesses profiting in slavery had refused to allow an end to their profitable African slave trade. The Confederacy put an end it. There were, after all, more sincere (not radical) abolitionists in the South than in the North. More than a few of the South’s greatest generals were abolitionists (i.e., Gen. Robert E. Lee and Lt. Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson). Those who claim Southerners left the Union because they feared Mr. Lincoln might end slavery argue a lie that has been propagated for 145 years. The so-called Civil War was never about slavery, and Mr. Lincoln’s all-powerful federal government didn’t free the slaves. It bought them.

Kennedy and Benson’s research reveals some remarkable facts about Abe Lincoln, his political party and his genocidal army. Lincoln and his party, ironically called Republican, didn’t interpret the Constitution the same way our founding fathers did and were willing to do whatever was necessary to put an end to “states’ rights,” even if it meant killing every Southern man, woman and child, white or black, free or slave.

As noted above, a republic is a nation ruled by law, but the new Republican Party and its leaders would prove to be contemptuous of both state and federal law, especially the Constitution. Consider the doublespeak names communist states, like “People’s Republic of China.” That government doesn’t represent the Chinese people, and it’s certainly no republic. Coincidentally, the supposedly conservative Republican Party we know today can trace its beginnings to the same sort of socialist propaganda. And as Kennedy and Benson point out, it’s just too coincidental that card carrying socialists not only supported Mr. Lincoln’s bid for the White House, they filled the ranks of the army that would destroy the lives of one million Americans.

In 1848 there were 18 socialist and/or communist uprisings throughout Europe, uprisings that had the sympathy of a young lawyer in Illinois. These revolutions all failed, so their leaders fled Europe for the refuge of the United States, settling primarily in the northeast and Mid west, taking occupations in journalism, education and politics – the same professions still dominated by leftwing scumbags today.

Google any of the following names and see what information comes up:

· Friedrich Anneke
· Adolph Douai
· Friedrich Kapp
· Otto Luning
· J.P. McDonnell
· Siegfried Meyer
· Johann J. Most
· Carl Schurz
· Franz Sigel
· Edgar V. Westphalen
· Joseph Weydemeyer
· August Willich

Before you start your research, I can tell you they’re all socialists or communists outright with no love for the U.S. Constitution and venomous loathing for the Holy Bible, though they made this country their home. Many of these “Forty-Eighters” were protégés of Fredrick Engels and Karl Marx himself, who, by the way, wrote at least two letters to Comrade Lincoln and even wrote a eulogy for him upon his assassination.

I won’t attempt to list all the evidence compiled by Kennedy and Benson that prove overwhelmingly that Lincoln’s government and army were not only infiltrated but controlled by socialists, both as immigrants from the failed European revolutions as well as closet socialists here in America (a.k.a., Horace Greeley, Charles Dana, William T. and John Sherman). I will point out a more than coincidental fact about the goals of the communist party and how their goals were met through the direct action of Mr. Lincoln’s big government:

1. An indivisible, all-powerful federal government: Rather than solving the moral issue of slavery, Mr. Lincoln’s War Against the Southern People was a war against the beliefs of our founding fathers and first presidents (i.e., Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Quincy Adams) that the states were bound together so long as they chose to be bound together. In fact, 21 years before South Carolina seceded, John Quincy Adams warned, “…Far better will it be for the people of the dis-United States to part in friendship from each other, than to be held together by constraint” (pg 60). A profound statement made by the authors is found at the bottom of page 188: “Whenever utopian dreamers seize control of government, liberty becomes less important than the well being of government.” These words echo George Orwell’s 1984, in which he says the Party is only interested in perpetuating itself. To do that, it needs ever-increasing power.

2. A heavy, progressive income tax. Kennedy and Benson tell us that prior to Mr. Lincoln’s government, the average American paid only 5 % of his income in taxes. But Dishonest Abe needed funds to pay for his marauding army, so the first income tax was levied and the cornerstone to the Infernal Revenue Service laid. The fact that the U.S. Constitution specifically forbid the federal government from levying a direct tax on the people didn’t bother Mr. Lincoln and certainly not the socialist advisors in his cabinet, in the Congress (minus those pesky Southerners, of course) or backing him in the news media. [By the way, newspapers that spoke out against Vladimir Lincoln’s unconstitutional actions were censored and legislators who questioned his dictatorial authority were accused of being saboteurs and threatened with hanging.] The income tax Lincoln initiated supports Karl Marx’ words, “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” Please note something here though. The real power behind these socialists was not the radicals burning homes and churches in the South but those Northern banks and businesses run by the super rich. The income tax system in place to this day is not one of “share the wealth,” but rather, as Gary Allen explains in his book, None Dare Call it Conspiracy, it’s “share your wealth.” The rich are still rich. Anyone who opposes the indivisible, all-powerful government mentioned above will eventually feel the wrath of the almighty IRS (or ATF, FBI or Homeland Security). Ask Creation Science Evangelist, Dr. Kent Hovind. He’s in prison for supposed tax evasion because his ministry (preaching against the state religion of Humanism, or at least o ne of its fundamental doctrines – Darwinism) was not a state-approved church qualifying for tax exemption. Doesn’t this sound like the religious persecution going on in China, where leaders of “House Churches” are arrested for not being a state-approved church? Remember though, China is a communist state. So what does that say about this country?

3. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. In a communist country, the state owns everything, but here we supposedly have the right to own our homes, our businesses, etc. Do we? Try not paying your property tax for a while. So who reall y owns your home? We really don’t own anything, save the clothes on our backs, and in many municipalities, they tax that too. You can also thank Mr. Lincoln’s big government for property taxes and worse. Taking property through property tax was too slow for some of Mr. Lincoln’s socialist supporters. Remember Sherman’s Field Order 15 (40 acres and a mule)? “Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels,” (pg 178) another plank in Marx’ revolutionary document was carried out against the already defeated Southern people by removing their citizenship as guaranteed under the Constitution through the actions of radical abolitionist Thaddeus Stevens. Andrew Johnson also supported this policy. Referring to Southerners as traitors, he said, “Treason must be made odious, and traitors must be punished and impoverished” (pg 179). On the contrary, it wasn’t Southerners who were traitors but the socialists in republican clothing that had betrayed the Constitution! As for the property Lincoln’s government stole, for the most part it wasn’t the large plantations of former slave owners. Less than one-fifth of all Southerners owned slaves anyway (another reason those who claim the South was fighting to defend slavery is a lie). Most Southerners were farmers and small business owners. Thousands of Southerners who managed to survive the war had their land confiscated by the Lincoln’s indivisible, all-powerful government. Yeah, I realize the great incarcerator was already dead by this time, but his policies were carried out by his evil disciples. It was the real estate he and his friends wanted all along, and as I said, they intended to get it if they had to annihilate every living soul in the South!

4. Free and compulsory public education. I could park here for a while, but I won’t. Over 90% of Americans were literate 150 years ago; maybe 60% are today. Kennedy and Benson point out that the literacy in the South was higher than most of the country. That’s because they didn’t have compulsory public education back then. Kids were taught at home by mom or in a church-run community schoolhouse. For two decades prior to the war, leftwing radicals had tried to get the government to back public schools, but as there was no need for it – another reason they wanted a bigger, more powerful government, so they could force parents to give up their children in order to indoctrinate them. After the war, they had a whole section of the country imprisoned under military rule, and since these rebels needed to unlearn their crazy notions about states’ rights and especially all the Bible stuff, public schools got their toehold right here. For more information about the history of public education, please read my book, Legally STUPiD: Why Johnny doesn’t have to read, or at least a couple of my NewsWithViews articles, “Different but Equal, Parts I & II.”

I’ve read where three of every five Southern men who survived the war at all were missing an arm, leg, eye or some other body part. Many returned home to no home at all, finding it either burned or confiscated by carpetbaggers or scallywags. To add to this insult, what families could be re-united found their children being herded off to public schools where they could be re-educated, “cured” of the thought crimes of believing in states’ rights or any other strict interpretation of the Constitution and especially the Bible. For all our los ses though, Northerners actually lost more. That’s right. I’m not talking about the fact that they suffered more battle casualties. The people in the supposedly victorious North to this day think they won something, when in fact they lost everything. Their precious Union died that December evening in 1861 and despite the best efforts of their bloody bayonets, there is still no unity!

I can’t say enough to commend all the scholarship behind Red Republicans, and I encourage freedom-loving American to read it. It’s available through Barnes and Noble Books-A-Million’s online stores, and, with the cover price ranging from $21.95 to $24. Get a copy and learn the truth about the most turbulent part of American history, and you’ll understand the source of all the social and political ills we’re still suffering today.

RC Murray
Former Public School Teacher

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Ron Paul - Competing Republican Mini Convention

Maverick GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul has booked an arena in Minneapolis for a "mini-convention" that could steal some of John McCain's thunder just days before he accepts the Republican nomination.

A Paul campaign aide said the Texas congressman hopes to pack about 11,000 supporters into the Williams Arena at the University of Minnesota on Sept. 2, which coincides with the second day of the Republican National Convention at the Xcel Energy Center in neighboring St. Paul.

The Ron Paul Campaign hopes the day long event will "send a message to the Republican Party". "There is a growing surge of people out there just craving" for a return "to traditional American government, limited government that places personal liberty first and places an emphasis on personal responsibility and essentially gets out of the way after that," Benton said. "The buzz we get from supporters is that they are very eager to come to St. Paul and very eager to send a strong message." John McCain has openly and aggressively promoted the citizenship of 30 million illegal immigrants. Once President McCain rams this through Congress, then the next step will be to give these new citizens the right to vote. 30 million new voters who vote for Democratic candidates 90% of the time will now have a major impact in elections in America. Beginning after John McCain's first term, the Democrats will forever control the White House. The Democrats will elect many more Congressman and Senators and will have complete control of the Congress. At that point, every kind of liberal legislation, spending program, suppression of conservatives, and persecution of Christians, will emerge. The Social Security you were planning on getting will be going to these new citizens. We will fully understand the word "Change" that Obama has been telling us about. The legalization of 30 million illegals and giving them the right to vote, changing America to liberal political correctness, will be the legacy of John McCain.